Collect feedback from industry leaders and improve business strategies
We help business leaders to recalibrate for the future
New skills | Emerging Technologies | New Business Models | Industry Trends
Kobe Partners is characterized by a particular interest in the world of the Internet and telecommunications and by special attention to the continuous evolutions that characterizes the web, the media, and new information and communication technologies.
We supports companies operating in the IT, ICT & TMT field at every stage company lifecycle, from the organization and fundraising process to the drafting of commercial agreements, from the resolution of any disputes to the structuring of extraordinary financial operations such as mergers, acquisitions, and stock exchange listing (IPO) transactions, from corporate issues to labor law issues, up to the protection of competition and the development of strategies for the protection of industrial and intellectual property.

/ COGNITIVE ANALYTICS: End-point technologies for Big data analysis and ML for real-time decisions
/ DIGITAL UX: Focus on each customer touchpoints to gather insights and improve marketing strategies
/ CYBERSECURITY: Protect value from cyber-threat. Ensure information privacy, reliability, traceability and non-repudiability
/ IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE: XR expected to become the standard technology for many industries
/ CLOUD: Become “cloud first” and accelerate digital transformation to realize greater value at speed and scale
/ PHYGITALS: IoT - Data gathering from the physical environment, for predictive maintenance and process optimization